Beyond the Arab Spring Lent 2012

Thursdays 19 January, 2 & 16 February, 1 March 2012
Time: 5.15 – 6.45pm
Place: Keynes Hall, King’s College, University of Cambridge

(Beyond the Arab Spring: Easter 2012 and Michaelmas 2011)


19 January:
Professor Yasir Suleiman CBE, FRSE, University of Cambridge
‘Narrating the Arab Spring’

2 February:
Professor Fawaz Gerges, London School of Economics
‘The Islamist moment: Domestic and geostrategic implications?’

16 February:
Dr Maha Abdelrahman, University of Cambridge
‘Political transformation in post-Mubarak Egypt’

1 March:
Dr Abdelwahab El-Affendi, University of Westminster, Visiting Fellow of Centre of Islamic Studies
‘The Arab Spring: Islamist revolution or revolution within Islamism?’


The event is free and open to all (poster).